Sunday, March 7, 2021

The past several months

Dear Eleanor, 

Here I am again, catching up. Some things over the past several months:

January (I forgot to include this earlier so I'll put it in here now.)

  • You said, "Mom, I couldn't live without you." So sweet. This melted my heart.


  • You often pee standing up at the toilet like the boys. That's what being an only girl with four brothers will do for you.
  • I asked you, "When did you last take a bath?" You said, "Umm...tomorrow?"
  • You are enjoying Kindergarten at your Prenda Micro School with Ms. Emily. She's a wonderful teacher. The other day after school you said to me, "Did you know your brain grows when you learn something new? I learned something new but it still feels the same." That made me smile. I texted that to Ms. Emily and she said, "Oh that makes me so happy to hear! That's going to be a theme for us this school year." I just love her. And you. You say the best things. 
  • You are very adamant about choosing your own outfit for school. I will often lay out two or three outfits on your floor the night before, with your input, for you to choose from and the next morning you will come downstairs in something completely different. 
  • You love art and creating things.
  • Just one quote this month and it's from Zach. In frustration he said, "You're a stupid, beautiful sissy!" I had to hide my smile with that one.
  • You said to me, "I think I might want to be a ninja when I grow up." This made me smile.
  • You asked me, "Mom, was I born to skate? I think I was because I'm so good at it." I love your confidence and hope you keep it forever. 
  • I was talking with you about what a blessing it is that you have some vision in your small eye. You said, "Daddy said it's a blessing from Heavenly Father and you" (because I patch with you). That was heart warming and brought tears to my eyes.
These are the things I wrote down on my calendar that I wanted to remember. I hope they bring a smile to your face when you read them as well. I love you! Love, Mom

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