Tuesday, April 19, 2016

March / April 2016

Dear Norah,

  • You love to look at pictures, especially of our family members. You get so excited when you see pictures of Daddy.
  • You LOVE shoes. I've never seen a child who loves shoes so much. You are no respecter of shoes either. You put on any pair you can find: Joshua's boots, daddy's shoes, my high heels, Oliver's soccer shoes, etc. It's adorable. 
  • You love strawberries. You open your mouth while I'm cutting them. :)
  • You LOVE green smoothies. I make this tropical green smoothie a few times a week and you can't get enough. 
  • You love to eat frozen peas. I think they probably feel good on your gums.
  • You love playing peek-a-boo. When I say it, you immediately smile and bring your hands up to your face. 
  • You say "ah duh" for "all done" while signing it.
  • When you need a diaper change, you get a diaper, lay on the diaper mat and say "du" with your legs up. (I have a feeling potty training might not be too far off for you.)
  • You love baby dolls and stuffed animals. 
We love your guts!

Love, Mom