- Someone asked you what was wrong with your eye (because it looked bruised). You said, "I was born..." It kind of broke my heart a little bit but I see you wanting to tell people about your eye and that's good, too.
- After going potty, you exclaimed, "Mom, my poop looks like an onion!"
Enjoying a Yogurt Jungle reward after filling up another potty chart. Getting closer to saying goodbye to pull ups! |
I love this picture of you. You are adorable. |
Dad got us both some flowers for Valentine's Day and he got your this pretty necklace, which you love. You have a pretty great dad. He calls you "Sweet Bean." |
Sweet little helpers. The babies were hungry so you and Josh fed them while I made dinner. |
- On March 8th, you had your fifth eye surgery. Here is what I shared about it on social media: "Surgery went well. Her doctor tightened the bottom muscles of her small eye with the hope that it will help bring her eye down so it will look straight forward instead of rolling up. During her last surgery, he tried loosening the top muscles to accomplish the same goal but it didn't work. We're hoping for success this time but it will be a couple of weeks before we'll know. She is recovering now. Her eye hurts, her nose itches from the anesthesia, and her tummy feels a little sick but she's doing great. Thank you for the thoughts and prayers. ♥️ #eleanorkate #wecandohardthings"
- Every time the babies cry, you sing, "I Am a Child of God" to them. It's so sweet.
- You only pee in your pull up now and go poop in the potty. You're making great progress!
A post-baseball game treat at Yogurt Jungle, thanks to you filling up another potty chart. Way to go! |
Easter at Grandma & Grandpa Schultz's house. 2018 |
Beautiful girl. |
You are a wonderful girl and I'm so glad you're in our family.
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