Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 5 pounds.
Maternity clothes: I'm at that in between stage where I look like I could be pregnant and if you know I'm pregnant, you wouldn't think much of it...but if you don't know I'm pregnant, I look like I'm kind of just letting myself go. Last Sunday I finally pulled out a maternity dress to wear to church since I had announced to several friends in our ward that I'm pregnant. Yay for not wearing baggy stuff anymore that just makes me look fat! Some of my regular shirts still look okay but some look unflattering. I found a cute shirt at a thrift store recently (pictured above) that isn't technically a maternity shirt but looks like it should be and is so much more flattering than most of my other shirts. I've worn it a lot lately...I think it's time to pull out my container of maternity clothes and fully embrace them. I'll be sick of them soon enough but better to be comfortable and look a little more flattering.
Stretch marks: Nothing new from this pregnancy yet.
Sleep: I am still able to sleep fine if Joshua lets me. He usually sleeps through the night but lately has been waking up 1-3 times in the night...not sure why. I usually wake up in the morning with my back hurting, though.
Best moment last week: My ultra sound on Thursday. The ultra sound tech told me she thinks you're a girl, based on the way your spine is angled. I couldn't stop smiling and had tears in my eyes. I felt the Spirit wash over me. It's not 100% accurate, and if you're a boy I will still be just as happy. I'm excited about the possibility of having a daughter, though. It was also amazing to see your little hands, arms, legs and feet on the ultra sound and see your little heart beating. I loved seeing your profile. You look amazing.
Movement: There have been a few times where I thought I felt a little something but dismissed it since I'm not too far along yet.
Food cravings: In the very beginning, I craved pickles. Now it's mostly just sweets (unfortunately). I'm trying not to eat too much chocolate but it definitely sounds good most of the time.
Gender: The prediction is a girl...hoping that's correct. :)
Baby Stats: The ultra sound tech said you're 3 inches long.
Symptoms: Thankfully the "morning" sickness is gone now...July was a pretty rough month, taking care of two active boys while feeling terrible. I let them watch way more tv than I usually do and just laid on the couch, trying not to throw up. Now I'm just really, really tired and feel hungry frequently.
Labor signs: Nope (thankfully).
Belly button - in or out? It's usually in but is already starting to poke out a little.
What I miss: Feeling thin (at least thin-ish). But I don't miss it too much yet. I have a long ways to go before I get back to that place again. :)
What I am looking forward to: My ultra sound in about five weeks, when we we will out the gender for sure. (Then I can start making plans for the room and getting a little more organized.)
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