You seem like such a "big kid" to me since your brothers were born. You want to do everything your older brothers do and won't be left behind. You are kind of a "Tom Boy" in that you're always playing in the backyard, often without shoes (I try so hard but you just take them off), in the dirt, climbing on things, riding your scooter like a pro, etc. But you also like pretty shoes and dresses, having me paint your toenails, and you snuck into my makeup a couple of months ago.
- You say, "Ya, I know."
- You asked me, "Where are Joshua and Oliver? Where are those buddies?" It was pretty cute.
- You were wearing a shirt with a pig on it. You looked down and said, "What is this piggy shirt all about?"
- Sometimes when I check the mail, I let the boys run home from the mailbox (about half a block away) while I follow them in the Tahoe. You always want to do this too but I don't feel that it's safe yet. Recently I told you, "You can run home from the mailbox when you're older." About 30 seconds later you said, "I'm older now."
- You do not like ice in your water at all.
- You love peanut butter sandwiches.
- Sometimes when Josh calls you Eleanor or Norah, you get upset and say, "I'm not Eleanor, I'm Kate!"
- You have figured out how to take your contact out by yourself (which baffles us because it takes your dad and me 1/2 hour to and hour to get it out, working together, and it's very traumatic for you) and now you won't leave it in. This is very disheartening, as you need it to focus and if your brain stops using that eye, you will lose any vision you may have. It's a lot of pressure and I worry about it a lot. We have gone through about seven contacts in the past couple of months (they were $100 each, recently discounted to $75 due to you losing them so often and just last week I called to order two more and they were willing to go down to $50 / contact, which we're very grateful for). As of now, I put the contact in your eye and play the "dog" game you love with you to keep you engaged for about an hour. (You pretend you're a dog and I throw a ball, which you "fetch" on your hands and knees and bring back to me in your mouth. Sometimes you have me be the dog.) Sometimes you'll engage if I sing to you or spin you in circles. I mostly save those for while we're patching, and bribe you to do that with treats as well. You will only patch for 30 mins max but it's something. We're not giving up on your potential vision.
- You love your Uncle Ty. He was just here for Thanksgiving. As I was tucking you into bed on Thanksgiving night, you said, "Mom, I just really love Uncle Ty." (He told me he loves all of his nieces and nephews but you're his favorite. You guys have a special bond. He also told me on Thanksgiving that he thinks you're so smart.)
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Thanksgiving 2017 |
You say the cutest things and you're such a fun girl. I honestly think you're already three years old all the time because you're smart, very verbal (you communicate so well) and you're tall for your age (almost as tall as Josh).
We love you Norah!
Love, Mom