Dear Eleanor,
You had your third eye surgery today. Your first surgery was at two months old and your second was at four months old so it's been a while. Even though we've been through this before and knew what to expect, your dad and I were still a little nervous. It's always a little nerve-wracking thinking about the rare risks, having faith the surgery will improve your condition and not complicate it, and putting your complete trust in another person. I posted this on social media a couple of days ago:
This little girl is having eye surgery on Thursday. She's been through it twice before but it's still a little nerve-wracking. I snapped this picture of her on Sunday, wearing a dress my parents purchased for me in Spain while my mom was pregnant with me. It's fun to see this picture of me in it (a little older than she is now, I think) and now to see it on her. I have so much love for our sweet girl. #eleanorkate #wecandohardthings - with Wendel Schultz
Your dad and Grandpa Schultz gave you a beautiful blessing last night. Your dad was crying as he spoke. He blessed you to feel comfort from the Spirit, even though you might not recognize it as such. He blessed the doctors and nurses to do their best. He thanked Heavenly Father for the amazing girl you are and how you have blessed and changed our family so much. The Spirit was strong during the blessing (Grandma Schultz and I were crying too) and it was a good teaching opportunity to teach Oliver and Josh about Priesthood Blessings. We also fasted for you last Sunday and have been praying for you. I know Heavenly Father has heard us and has blessed you. (Even if the outcome were different, I still know He hears our prayers and loves us immensely and cares about the details of our lives.)
This is what I shared on social media today, after your surgery:
Surgery went so well. Her doctor was able to get a clear view to the back of her eye for the first time and was so impressed that it is the best case scenario for her abnormality. He was able to loosen her eye muscle so her eye will look more straight forward instead of up, he tested her for Glaucoma (which she is high risk for and doesn't have) and he was able to get an accurate prescription for her contact (it was way off before). He said he couldn't be more pleased. Thank you everyone for your thoughts and prayers.
I love your I love you rrrrI love your sweet smile in the picture above. I'm grateful for the miracles we've seen with your eye. You are amazing! You must be one of the strongest spirits and I feel honored and humbled to be your mom. We love you so much!