Saturday, January 24, 2015

One month to go

Dear "Lady Bud" (as Daddy calls you...we have Oliver, our "Bud," Joshua, our "Baby Bud," and now you, our "Lady Bud."),

The time of your arrival is getting closer. One month to go until your due date. I'm pretty uncomfortable and feeling ready to have you on the outside of my body. I'm trying to appreciate my pregnancy with you the best I can, since we're planning for you to be our last. But near the end, it's becoming more difficult to appreciate the discomfort.

I'm excited to meet you and see who you look like. I dreamt a while ago that you look like your dad when he was young. I had a dream back in 2008 that we had a baby girl and she had your dad's skin and hair coloring. It will be interesting to see.

Tonight I stood in your room and ran my hand along your little dresses hanging in your closet. It's fun to envision them on you. I have a few more things to do before your nursery is finished and I'm very excited for everything to come together. I'm just so's a slow process. Your brothers keep me very busy and worn out.

Oliver is very excited to meet you, as well. He has been praying for you for a long time, as have your dad and I. We love you already!

Love, Mom

Tuesday, January 13, 2015

So uncomfortable!

How far along: 34 1/2 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: A little over 30 lbs. 

Maternity clothes: None of my "cute" maternity clothes fit me anymore. Not much fits me at all. I kind of feel like a beached whale. I like wearing black because my belly band isn't as obvious. NOTHING looks flattering anymore. I am definitely past the "cute" pregnancy stage. 

Stretch marks: Yep. I'm fine with it. (The varicose veins...not so much.)

Sleep: Still not sleeping well. At all. I wake up to pee and when I do, my back hurts so much, it's sometimes difficult to fall back to sleep. Plus Oliver and Josh get up in the night from time to time. 

Best moment last week: I finished the cushion part of the window seat for the nursery last night. So excited to see it come together.

Movement: I'm feeling lots of movement, especially in the early morning and night. Your kicks are getting stronger and feel lower.

Food cravings: Still sweets, especially chocolate. I try not to give in too much but it's pretty intense.

Baby Stats: I have a doctor appointment tomorrow so I should have an update after that.

Symptoms:  I can say all the same I did last time: still backaches, exhaustion, I feel "heavy" (I can feel the extra weight from carrying you bearing on my legs when I walk up the stairs). I'm getting more uncomfortable with each passing week. Bending is very difficult. I also have sleep issues and I'm feeling HUGE. But it's all more intense and exhaustion is unreal. Plus I feel dizzy a lot. Once 4:00 hits, I often have to steady myself on something. The doctor said this is normal, especially for mothers who have other kids to take care of and slack on self-care a bit. That would be me. I also have varicose veins all down the back of my thighs and knees. I'm not thrilled about this development. I feel like I have been pregnant FOREVER! I can't believe how long this pregnancy is feeling to me. My other two went by so much faster. 

Labor signs: None but I'm feeling more pressure, like you're trying to get out. Getting closer. Update: I had my first non-stress test at my Dr. appointment yesterday. I was hooked up to a monitor for about 45 minutes, which recorded your heartbeat and movement. About half way through, Dr. Labesky asked me, "Are you feeling contractions?" I told her no. She said, "You've been having them for a while." She said it isn't concerning or pressing if I can't feel them and she will check me next week to see if I'm dilated at all. She did an ultra sound and fluid levels look good. But I have to say, this kicked me into gear as far as feeling a bit of urgency, especially because when I stopped to check the mail on the way home and got out of the van, I felt a contraction. I think more of the Braxton-Hicks variety and just one, but motivated me to get the hospital bags packed last night...just in case you decide to make an early appearance. 

Belly button - in or out? Very much out.

What I miss: Having my body to myself and fitting into my size 6 clothes. Also, energy and sleeping better than I am. (Same as last time.) Also, going to the gym. I can't fathom it right now but I miss it still. 

What I am looking forward to: My Dr appointment tomorrow, just to get an update. Also, finishing the window seat for the nursery.