Saturday, November 22, 2014

27 Weeks

How far along: 27 Weeks - Officially in the third trimester

Total Weight Gain/Loss:  A little over 20 lbs. 

Maternity clothes: I'm wearing them exclusively now. 

Stretch marks: Quite a few on my stomach.

Sleep: I am not sleeping well. Every little thing wakes me up - when Wendel turns over in bed, when the boys cough, when I have to a result, I am tired all. the. time. Plus I think that magical 2nd trimester energy is gone for good. Man, I already miss it. It was so short-lived. Sigh. 

Best moment last week: I had an ultra sound yesterday and everything looks good.

Movement: I still feel you move frequently, often at night and in the morning when I'm laying down. Oliver has felt you move twice now, which he loves. His whole face lights up when he finally feels that kick.

Food cravings: Still chocolate, especially chocolate ice-cream lately (Breyers brand) with Stephen's Hot Chocolate (Dark Belgium Chocolate flavor) sprinkled on top. 

Baby Stats: You weigh 2 lbs. 10 oz, which is in the 89th percentile (according to the ultra sound tech yesterday). It's funny because the reason for the ultra sound was to measure your growth since there is a risk you might have low growth / weight and it turns out you're ahead of the curve. (Hoping you won't weigh 10 lbs by the time you're born.)

Symptoms:  Still backaches, exhaustion, I feel "heavy" (I can feel the extra weight from carrying you bearing on my legs when I walk up the stairs). I'm getting more uncomfortable with each passing week. Bending is very difficult. 

Labor signs: None (thankfully). 

Belly button - in or out? Out now.

What I miss: Having my body to myself and fitting into my size 6 clothes. Also, energy and sleeping better than I am. 

What I am looking forward to: Finishing your dresser and getting your clothes and your room organized (still). 

Sunday, November 2, 2014

24 Weeks

How far along: 24 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss:  Approximately 18 - 20 lbs. (Yikes)

Maternity clothes: I'm wearing them pretty much exclusively now. 

Stretch marks: Quite a few on my stomach.

Sleep: It's getting more uncomfortable to sleep because I'm such a light sleeper these days and if someone or something wakes me up, it's difficult to fall back to sleep because my back hurts. I have your dad rub my back in the mornings before he leaves for work and taking warm showers helps, too. It's also difficult to get enough sleep because your brothers are early risers and get up around 6:00am. 

Best moment last week: I don't know that it was a specific moment but I'm enjoying working on your dresser with my friend, Autumn (we're painting an old dresser I purchased and adding new hardware to it for your room). Also, my friend, Jodi, gave me a huge container of clothes for you, as well as a carseat and bouncer. The clothes are adorable. I'm so excited to dress you in them!

Movement: I feel you move frequently, often at night and in the morning when I'm laying down.

Food cravings: Still sweets, especially chocolate. This is not a good thing since it was Halloween on Friday and Thanksgiving, Christmas and Valentines Day are still to come with 3 1/2 months to go until your expected arrival. 

Baby Stats: You're measuring right at 24 weeks.

Symptoms: Backaches, exhaustion, I feel "heavy" (I can feel the extra weight from carrying you bearing on my legs when I walk up the stairs). I'm starting to feel uncomfortable and the thought of 3 1/2 more months seems like a lot right now. I can't bend over easily. I put on tennis shoes the other night (I actually made it to the gym) and it was very difficult to bend over to tie them, even in a sitting position. I'm also loosing lap space. It's difficult to hold your brothers on my lap because there isn't much room. 

Labor signs: None (thankfully). 

Belly button - in or out? Starting to poke out a little.

What I miss: I still miss having the energy to go to the gym. I also miss laying on my stomach. 

What I am looking forward to: Finishing your dresser and getting your clothes and your room organized.