Thursday, October 23, 2014

21 Weeks

I'm getting bigger every day. I feel like  you've really grown a lot lately. I'm excited to meet you!

Thursday, October 2, 2014

19.5 Weeks

How far along: 19.5 Weeks

Total Weight Gain/Loss: 12 lbs. 

Maternity clothes: I wear maternity shirts but still wear regular shorts. Most of my pants are too tight on me now. 

Stretch marks: Quite a few - not sure which are new and which are from my other pregnancies.  
Sleep: My pregnancy isn't keeping me up but my boys are, as well as being sick lately (sore throat and cold). 

Best moment last week: My ultra sound on Wednesday. I got to see you moving around, see your little heart beating, and got the good news that everything is looking good - all of your measurements are on target. I enjoyed showing the DVD to Oliver later that evening. He was excited to see his baby sister on the screen. I also showed it to your dad that night. We're all excited you'll be joining us soon.

Movement: I'm finally feeling movement, as of Wednesday! I was getting worried because I wasn't feeling much movement but lately I've been feeling you quite a bit.

Food cravings: Still sweets, especially chocolate. Sometimes bagels sound really good, too.

Gender: You're a GIRL!!! :) (Still. The ultra sound showed this, even though we already knew from the DNA test.) I still can't believe we're having a girl. I half expected the ultra sound to show you're a boy, even though the DNA showed you're a girl. I'm just really excited to have a little girl. 

Baby Stats: I'm trying to remember how many ounces the Ultra Sound Tech said you are...not sure but you're tiny.

Symptoms: It's getting more difficult to bend over. Heartburn has started, as of today. I feel like my legs might cramp at times but haven't yet. I'm finally feeling like I have a little more energy. I feel like I can take on a few projects (your Grandma and Aunt Lindsey are coming this weekend to help me paint your nursery, for example). 

Labor signs: None (thankfully). 

Belly button - in or out? It's usually in but is already starting to poke out a little. 

What I miss: I still miss having the energy to go to the gym. I know I need to get there but I'm just so tired. 

What I am looking forward to: Having your nursery painted. :)