Hello Sweet Girl,
We found out some very exciting news a little over a week ago..you are a little girl! I did this little photo shoot with the boys to document this exciting news.

How far along: 17 weeks
We found out some very exciting news a little over a week ago..you are a little girl! I did this little photo shoot with the boys to document this exciting news.

How far along: 17 weeks
Total Weight Gain/Loss: About 10 pounds.
Maternity clothes: I'm wearing them but still wear some non-maternity shirts, too.
Stretch marks: Quite a few - not sure which are new and which are from my other pregnancies.
Sleep: I am still able to sleep okay but always, always feel tired. Absolutely exhausted.
Best moment last week: I got a phone call from the Fetal Genetic Center. The Genetic Specialist told me you don't have Downs Syndrome (I was high risk for this, based on my blood test results + my age so I had additional testing, where they analyzed your DNA in my blood) and I also found out from this test that you are a girl! I am so excited to have a little girl. This is such exciting news for me!
Movement: There have been a few times where I thought I felt a little something but not often and not lately.
Food cravings: Sweets, especially chocolate. I made brownies from scratch the other day with Oliver for a Relief Society function and doubled the recipe so we could have some, too. Bad idea. They were so good! I eat chocolate chips a lot, too.
Gender: You're a GIRL!!! :)
Baby Stats: Test results show you don't have DS and you don't have Spina Bifida. I'm still high risk for Preeclampsia, low birth weight for you and low fluid levels in the placenta - but won't know for sure about these until I'm in the third trimester. My doctor said I'll have to get two ultra sounds a week once I'm in the third trimester so she can monitor you closely. I'm not too worried but I'm glad you'll be monitored closely.
Symptoms: Endless exhaustion.
Labor signs: None (thankfully).
Belly button - in or out? It's usually in but is already starting to poke out a little.
What I miss: Having the energy to go to the gym. I know I need to get there but I'm just so tired.
What I am looking forward to: Hearing your sweet little heartbeat at my next appointment on the 20th.